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Taiwan Ciaotou District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Legal Pleading Template

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-06-21
  • View count:1263

Application for Crime Victim Compensation-Overseas Compensation version(.PDF)

Survivor Compensation 、Overseas Compensation Consent Form For Joint Claim by applicants in the same priority order(.PDF)

Application for Crime Victim Compensation(.PDF)

Application to Cancel a Circular Order(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for SuspendingPostponing the Execution(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for the Certificate of Sentence Completion(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Changing the Address for Service of Process(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for the Removal of Restriction from Leaving the ROC(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Return of EvidenceSeized Item(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Refund of the Criminal Bail(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application to Change the Date of the Investigation(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Witness Expert Witness Summons(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Reconsideration in Criminal Proceeding(by the Complainant)(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Reconsideration in Criminal Proceeding(by the Defendant)(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application to Withdraw the Complaint(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Additional Copies (Reissuance) of the Documents(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for the Reissuance of the Autopsy Certificate(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application for Certificate of Case Closure(.PDF)(.ODT)

Application to Withdraw the Reconsideration(.PDF)(.ODT)

Consent Form For Joint Claim by applicants in the same priority order(.PDF)(.ODT)

Criminal Motion for Retrial (Discovery of new substantial evidence)(.PDF)(.ODT)

Criminal Motion for Retrial (Lacking consideration of material evidence)(.PDF)(.ODT)

Criminal Answer to the Complaint(.PDF)(.ODT)

Criminal Complaint(.PDF)(.ODT)

Motion to Withdraw the Appeal(.PDF)(.ODT)

Motion to Transfer the Jurisdiction(.PDF)(.ODT)

Power of Attorney(.PDF)(.ODT)

Request for Appeal by the Prosecutor(.PDF)(.ODT)


WitnessExpert Witness Per Diem and Transportation Allowances Application and Receipt(.PDF)(.ODT)


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