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Investigating and Seizing in Advance to Prevent the Inflow of Drugs into Taiwan, the Prosecutor and Police Task Force Cooperated with the Thai Police to Seize 200 Kilograms of Class 2 Drug Amphetamine

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2022-06-24
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Taiwan Ciaotou District

Prosecutors Office Press Release
Issue Date: June 10, 2022
Contributor: Po-Tun Wang, Deputy Chief Prosecutor

Investigating and Seizing in Advance to Prevent the Inflow of Drugs into Taiwan, the Prosecutor and Police Task Force Cooperated with the Thai Police to Seize 200 Kilograms of Class 2 Drug Amphetamine

We received information from the police that there were suspected illegal drug trafficking syndicates in the Southeast Asia that used the import of "Moai stone statues" as a cover, and prepared to transport drugs to Taiwan by smuggling with sea container. The Chief Prosecutor of this Office attached great importance to it and instructed the Head Prosecutor with specific responsibility of this Office and relevant units to form a task force, sparing no effort to investigate. The liaison officer stationed in Thailand by the Criminal Investigation Police Office, together with the NSB of Thailand went to investigate. At 14:30 on June 8, 2022 (Thailand local time), at a logistics company's cargo storage yard in Chonburi Province, Thailand, the Thai police seized 200 kilograms of amphetamine, a Class 2 drug, which was hidden in a stone statue, arresting a Thai suspect. The police will continue to hunt down the other syndicate members subsequently.

Being very pleased to successfully preventing the drug importation into Taiwan, the Chief Prosecutor of this Office also expressed his gratitude to the Thai police for their assistance. The Chief Prosecutor said that the

successful seizure of drug case this time and the prevention of drug from abroad really depended on the close cooperation between the prosecutors and the police, as well as the assistance of the Thai police. Prosecutors will continue to carry out international cooperation in such cases of transnational drug shipments to completely prevent drugs from abroad.




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